The permitting process - the most exasperating part. It requires multiple steps and can vary from municipality to municipality and plan reviewer to plan reviewer. Today we will give you a behind the scenes look into what the pool permitting process entails.
The first step, once you sign your contract, is getting added into our CRM system so that you can receive regular communication from the front office. We use an app / website called BuilderTrend. Once you are set up, the system will send you an activation link in which you create your own login at no cost to you.

The office will make regular updates through a series of emails as tasks are completed. Within the first week, 811 will be called to your property to flag any underground obstacles, no conflict letter will have been requested, and a construction sign will be sent to your property. As mentioned, a letter of no conflict will be requested. A site plan of your pool is sent to the power company for them to verify there will be no conflict with their existing power to the home. In order to build a pool, we need to remain 10ft away from overhead lines and 5ft away from underground service. Sometimes, they will request us to stake out the pool so an engineer can come out and verify. You will be notified about this process through the BuilderTrend app.

While we await for the letter of no conflict, we continue pushing the permitting process forward. We get engineering plans ready to submit with the permit application. We verify that the survey supplied during the design process will be sufficient for the plan reviewer. We also gather all the pieces for the application depending upon the municipality.
Once we receive the letter of no conflict, it is time to submit the permit application. Depending on the municipality, this is either done by dropping off printed plans and application or by electronic format. Since 2020, more and more municipalities have transitioned toward electronic submission in the municipality’s portal or by email.
Succeeding the permit application package submission, a plan reviewer from the building department looks over the information provided and either approves or addresses comments and/or concerns. This process can take 3-4 weeks. Some common requests for more information include survey issues (elevations or updates), additional engineering (seawall, retaining wall), TDH calculations, impervious surface ratio calculations, etc.
Last step to obtaining the permit is either submitting a recorded Notice of Commencement (NOC) or a habitat inspection. Most municipalities require a habitat inspection but in places such as St. Petersburg, this step is skipped and providing the NOC is the last step. We try and get the NOC handled upon contract signing but it requires a notarized signature and if not done within our office, it is the homeowner's responsibility to get this document to us. If a habitat inspection is required, someone from our team will be on your property to install a silt fence and check for any protected trees that may require barricading. A recorded NOC is also submitted which is required to schedule any inspection on permitted jobs over $2500 in value. Once these elements are in place, the inspection will be scheduled. As soon as this passes inspection, we receive your permit shortly following.
As soon as we receive the approval of your permit, you will receive notification from our office. Your project manager will reach out and schedule the pre-site visit to go over the construction part of the project. In most cases, we can start projects upon the permit release.
